Tác giả bức ảnh: Leaf Publications Co., Ltd.
Mar 15th
Tác giả bức ảnh: Leaf Publications Co., Ltd.

Fushimi Sake Festival 2025

Explore the brewing culture of Kyoto's sake heartland

Nơi đến
Gekkeikan Sake Company, Limited SHOWAGURA
Saturday - Mar 15th 2025

Kyoto Prefecture is the second largest producer of sake in all of Japan, with Fushimi Ward in Kyoto City producing the majority of it. To illustrate just how much sake production happens here, the region is home to an incredible 21 breweries within a 1.5 kilometer radius. Even though tourists visit this part of Kyoto for the iconic Fushimi Inari Taisha, the area's brewing culture often goes overlooked.

The Fushimi Sake Festival aims to remedy this, and the event will include local breweries offering paid tastings (tickets are required, which are priced at 1,800 yen), plus food trucks and other fun events.

Advance tickets for the tastings can be organized online here.

Đến đó

The event takes place at Gekkeikan Sake Company, Limited SHOWAGURA, which is about a 15-minute walk from Fushimi-Momoyama Station on the Keihan Main Line.

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