Mitsuaki Iwago: Koneko 2021

Explore photographic works focused on felines in Hiroshima

Nơi đến
Onomichi City Museum of Art
Jul 3rd - Sep 5th 2021

A special event taking place at the Onomichi City Museum of Art looks at the photographic works of Mitsuaki Iwago, who is famous for his wildlife shots -- and this exhibition will specifically focus on cats as the subject matter. Iwago is well-versed in all things feline - in fact, he was the creator behind the NHK wildlife documentary series titled "Mitsuaki Iwago's World Cats Travelogue".

Adult admission to the exhibition is priced at 800 yen, and no advance reservations are required.

Đến đó

The Onomichi City Museum of Art is located approximately 15 minutes by taxi from Onomichi Station (JR Sanyo Main Line) or Shin-Omichi Station (JR Sanyo Shinkansen).

For those who opt to drive, the museum is around 15 minutes from the Sanyo Expressway's Fukuyama Nishi IC, or 20 minutes from the Sanyo Expressway's Onomichi IC. Paid parking is available at Senkoji Park, but if you bring your parking ticket into the museum they can validate it for 200 yen off the price.

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